DIY Amazing Anti-Aging Facial Moisturizing Serum

Friday, January 30, 2015

A milestone birthday is coming up for me. Gads! I need to work on saving my face.  After 44 years of ignoring it.   I have this visual memory (and smell) of mom slathering Oil of Olay on her face morning and night.  She used to tell me that when I got older, I needed to make sure I covered my throat because nobody looks good with a turkey's neck.  That's what I liked about you mom.  Practical and to the point.

For months I've been in the throes of my woes trying to find a moisturizer that has a long lasting moisturizing feel with great results and none to be found on the market.  Finally I came up with one using DoTerra.  I won't ever try to rhyme in an article again.  I promise.

My anti-aging serum is so luxurious and moisturizing that I just want to cry.  I. just. want. to. cry.  (For you under 35 age gals, I've given you a still-so-yummy serum as well just by swapping one oil for another and eliminating one oil altogether.)  Oh - and the list of ingredients for these serums doesn't include whale saliva.  I mean, I don't know if my last moisturizer had whale saliva in it, but I don't know that it didn't.  I'm not taking any more chances.

Go ahead.  Say it. Quit yer yacking and get on with it.

Here's the quick and dirty list of the 6 oils that make this serum so yummy. (I use a 2% dilution ratio which is probably more than you want to know.) The recipe takes about 5 minutes and is enough for 324.5 days, just to be exact.

Okay, onward ho! Here's my DIY moisturizing serum video. Try not to focus on my incredible choice of clothing. It was either shower after my workout or get the video done pronto before picking up a kid from school.  The video won. Yay you!

Directions for use:  [Gently shake your serum blend each time before using.] Test a small amount on inside wrist one day prior to first facial use to test for any possible allergic reactions. Once you're in the clear, apply 2 drops of your newly made serum to your clean, beautiful face morning and night.  (Note: Apply 30 minutes prior to make up application and bedtime to allow the serum to deeply soak into your skin.  If you're going to get a lot of sun exposure that day, apply SPF at least 30 min. after morning serum application.)

If you love this serum and want to take charge of better health with the use of less toxic chemicals, open a DoTerra wholesale account today!  There's no obligation to reorder or sell and you'll receive 25% off your order today and every future order and if you're going to spend money, best spend it on your well-deserved beautiful mug. Now if you're super smart, like I know you are, you'll buy your oils at wholesale.  Plus, with this recipe, you'll not only save mucho dinero in the long run, but your face is most likely to outlast Angelina's. Trust me.  Someone needs to tell her to stop using saliva. (See retail and wholesale pricing info at the bottom of this post.)

I've made a list for you below that includes the benefits of each oil in this serum. That's the kind of friend I am.  (Btw, you need the Argan oil at a minimum for the serum base.)

Here's the why's of ingredients for my serum (in order of importance in my highly important opinion):

Argan Oil: This will be the base for your serum. A rare and exquisite oil pressed from the fruit kernels of the Moroccan Argan tree.  Those Moroccans know how to grow trees.  This oil is yummicans.  You can also purchase this oil at your local health food store.   It comes under many brands.  Here's the one that I happened to purchase:

DoTerra Frankincense Oil: Tones, lifts and protects the skin.  What?!?!  (This could be my favorite oil.)  It comes from the Boswellian trees in the African and Arabian regions. There's something magical about this oil and its smell.  It takes me to a deep place of relaxation and spiritual being - like I'm walking along the earth with Jesus and His disciples in ancient times.  (I love defusing it with Cedarwood at bedtime!).  (source)

DoTerra Geranium Oil: A fantastic oil for maintaining clear skin - known for its astringent and regenerative properties (it's also a goodie for hair - apply a bit with a carrier oil such as coconut and apply to ends for smooth and silky hair).

DoTerra Melaleuca Oil
: Melaleuca also is known for its excellent skin regenerative and cleansing. properties.

DoTerra Lavender Oil: Lavender oil has a huge list of uses so it's no surprise that its the most used essential oil in the world.  For your face, it's high in antioxidants making it great for slowing the signs of aging. It also has the ability to help reverse damage by restoring the skin's color, texture and appearance. (source)

Rose Hip Oil:  It's high in fatty acids (why can't our middle-age fat move to our face?), and is an oil predominantly used for treating wrinkles and fine lines.  You can purchase this oil at your local health food store.  (I am also begging DoTerra higher-ups to add this oil to their fantastic product line.) For now, I am making do. It's gentle and doesn't require a carrier oil when applied alone for other purposes.  (While there is rose oil, I recommend Rose Hip Oil because its properties are more concentrated than regular rose oil.)



Ordering the Physician's Kit (offers a 25% savings) is a great way to get started and will qualify you for wholesale account enrollment.  AND it has several of the oils used in this recipe.  Any additional oils you need can also be ordered at 25% off retail.

For more enrollment kit options and further information on retail purchasing or wholesale accounts, click here.

My Message of Hope.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

These thoughts keep rolling in my head and I can only think that I am supposed to jot them down in hopes that they may help someone self doubting or avoiding change. Last year may have been the hardest year for me. As many of you know, I let go of my business in the summer of 2014. In January, things kept going on as usual and the year looked promising. I had a thriving business in a struggling market. I had poured my heart and soul into the store and had made many more friends I had become close to. We had been voted one of Albuquerque's Best 3 Years consecutively, had just begun shipping nationwide and our revenue was growing 39% year over year. Then mom passed suddenly and without much warning. Losing dad was hard, but losing mom was something too heartbreaking to describe. My siblings and I were now it. We were the next generation up to bat. I wasn't ready. I didn't feel wise enough. Strong enough ... I prayed and prayed for comfort through my grief. I asked the holy Father to guide me - that I needed to be strong for my kids. Dennis was my crying shoulder. Then it was clear to me. The Lord was telling me that I needed to reprioritize. I had a 15 yr old struggling to find her own way and I needed to grieve and mourn the loss of mom. I had to let go. Against everything I thought I knew, I put the the store's brand up for sale and liquidated its assets.

Our friends at The Hen House in bustling times...

Saying goodbye...

Closing the door behind me one final time...

His voice told me that while leaving the store would also be another element of grieving, that I should be patient. He would lead me. Over the last few months I've slowed down to grieve, to take care of myself and take care of my family. I've prayed patiently for new direction wondering if retirement is where I am supposed to be. Now things are changing again and I am just listening and following. Not searching. In the last 3 weeks, 2 companies have pursued me for consulting work. I will soon pick up a third client. This work allows me to work part-time if I wish and make my own hours and work from home. And there's DoTerra.  Frankincense and lavender have helped to heal my soul.

Now I realize that mom's death was a catalyst for great things to come and that the store was merely to prepare me for that change.

Mom's fingerprint - it's a piece of her that I will always carry with me.

I don't know if any of this will make any difference to any of you. But if it does, I pray that you would not be afraid or self doubting. Have faith. Pour yourself into what's really important and do not chase what you are not in control of. You are capable in His hands. He will carry you when you need to be carried and lead you when you need to be lead.


heart emoticon/

5 Favorite Things I Really Love Right Now

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1.    My son Noah.  He wants to help me cut melon because it's his favorite and he wants to eat it.  Like right now.  (He's as much patient as he is a helper.)  How long do you think it will take with the vegetable peeler?  PS: This technique could be very favorable to me.  PSS: Even though I'm loving him right now, I'm pretty sure I'll love him tomorrow too.

2.    This TV series.  Whitney and her parents are so funny they bring me to tears. Positive outlook = plain happy. 

3.    DoTerra's lavender oil.  It's helped immensely with my hair loss.  I know what you're thinking.  That's what I said. And I can hardly believe it myself. (Here's how to order.)  PS: My husband is glad he no longer finds a clump of hair in the shower drain.  TMI.

4.   My running garb.  Is garb a word?  I don't know.  PS:  Stay tuned for an article on making your own lip balm.  I'm thinking lavender/mint is sounding yummy.  Making lip balm is easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Hopefully I'll have the article posted by the end of next week.

5.    Dusk Runs.  Silent.  Brilliant colors.  Smelling wood fires burning.  What's not to love?

If you're new to oils and want more details about lavender, let's chat it up over email.


What are you loving this week?

Are you doing anything outdoors?

Name one TV viewing guilty pleasure.

I'd love to hear from you.  Leave a reply.

The Benefits of a Warm Tub Soak With Epsom and Essential Oils

Friday, January 9, 2015

Happy New Year!

I love essential oils.  Have I mentioned that yet?  As I learn more and more about the health benefits of using them, I'm surprised at all that I never knew about essential oils.

I soak pretty regularly in a bath of Lavender essential oil and Epsom salts to detox and neutralize the acids in my body. The acids and toxins that we have in our bodies can make us tired, yet have difficulty sleeping and also cause us to have other symptoms like headaches and low immunity.

Detox seems to be the buzzword right now and there's lots of chatter about the
how's and why's of doing it.

I like to soak in a warm tub 1-2 times per week using a homeopathic combination of a lavender and Epsom detox mix.  It's easy and so beneficial to maintaining good health.  Here are some things to know about detoxing in the bath:
  • Essential oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. 
  • "EO's" have been used throughout history in many cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic benefits. 
  • Epsom salt is actually not a salt, but a compound of magnesium and sulfates. 
  • The magnesium is a mineral that your body needs and it plays a number of roles in your body including regulation of over 325 enzymes, reducing inflammation and it also helps to prevent artery hardening just to name a few. 
The immediate benefit of detoxing with EO's and Epsom for me is relief from sore muscles after a long run and relaxation for better sleep! Watch my video to learn to make your own detox mixture at home.  (Btw, it was a no make-up day when I shot this.  Don't judge me.)  Btw, I've included some other helpful details in the video that are not included in this attempt to-be-short article.

If you want to load the video in larger view, click the little "4 corner" brackets on the bottom right hand corner of the video. If can't load the video at all here on this page, paste this link into a new window in your browser:

I love that I can select a different oil each time or a combination of oils.  EO's make the bath yummy and help my body recover more quickly from detoxing. Use my detox recipe in the video (it's the definition of easy peasy) and add your own DoTerra oil favorites for some warm water, soaking, soothing heaven.

You can find oils at local grocery stores, but the quality isn't always great. Typically you get a lot of good smell, but not a lot of purity which means you won't get the therapeutic benefits that you want.  I also don't recommend you purchase online from places like Amazon or other sites since there's no way to know if your oils have been tampered with and that can be dangerous.

(By the way, I'll be giving away free oil samples soon so you can try them yourself.  Make sure to subscribe to my blog (top right of this page "Follow By Email" and/or like "The Manic Herbalist" page on Facebook) so you don't miss the freebie offer.)

Here are some EO combinations to try with this bath mixture.  The number of drops of oil can vary depending on the size of your tub. Use the amount that works best for you.

Questions?  I'm happy to help and feel free to email me or comment on this post with your questions.  To shop for oils, visit my online shopping portal here.

Cheers for a healthier year and happy soaking!


PS:  Future articles I'll be adding soon:
        The Perfect DIY Anti-Aging Serum for Your Face
         Yummy DIY Lip Balm

PSS:  Have you tried Epsom and essential oil soaks before?

What oils do you think would define a heavenly bath for you?

I'd love to hear from you.  Leave a Reply.