5 Favorite Things I Really Love Right Now

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1.    My son Noah.  He wants to help me cut melon because it's his favorite and he wants to eat it.  Like right now.  (He's as much patient as he is a helper.)  How long do you think it will take with the vegetable peeler?  PS: This technique could be very favorable to me.  PSS: Even though I'm loving him right now, I'm pretty sure I'll love him tomorrow too.

2.    This TV series.  Whitney and her parents are so funny they bring me to tears. Positive outlook = plain happy. 

3.    DoTerra's lavender oil.  It's helped immensely with my hair loss.  I know what you're thinking.  That's what I said. And I can hardly believe it myself. (Here's how to order.)  PS: My husband is glad he no longer finds a clump of hair in the shower drain.  TMI.

4.   My running garb.  Is garb a word?  I don't know.  PS:  Stay tuned for an article on making your own lip balm.  I'm thinking lavender/mint is sounding yummy.  Making lip balm is easy peasy lemon squeezy.  Hopefully I'll have the article posted by the end of next week.

5.    Dusk Runs.  Silent.  Brilliant colors.  Smelling wood fires burning.  What's not to love?

If you're new to oils and want more details about lavender, let's chat it up over email.


What are you loving this week?

Are you doing anything outdoors?

Name one TV viewing guilty pleasure.

I'd love to hear from you.  Leave a reply.


  1. I'm so glad to hear from you. I was trying to remember the name of your store. I haven't read the blog yet, but I hope you're ok now.

    We were going to come down to Alb. to see our kids,and I was going to come in and talk and shop. What I want Is the 'I AM..collection that's new from Simple Stories. Can you order it for me and mail it? I'll pay postage etc I.live in a backward area that has No craft stores except Michaels and they don't carry it.
    Anyway, we can't come to Alb because we had to spend our $on fixing our car. Being on a fixed income really sucks, especially when it's not really enough.
    Glad to hear from you. 😊

  2. This is Becky Bodine. I just sent a big long comment and request but I didn't leave my email. Beckybodlne@ymail.com

    1. Hi Rebecca. How are you? I hope the great northwest is treating you well. I retired from the store in July, shortly after my mother passed. ~Charlene

    2. I'm very sorry for your loss. No matter how old you are, it's really hard when your mom passes. Did you sell the store?
      I'm very concerned about you. I'm a good listener if you want to email me privately. God be with you.

  3. Hi Charlene, so glad to hear from you. I recently got a new dog because my Zuni had to be euthanized in November. He is a rescue and I named him Rocky. He looks like a mix between a beagle and a shi-tzu. Looks like a shi-tzu with color and size of a beagle. My email is kittysplace729@gmail.com. Are you on Facebook? I am as Kathryn Robert. I want to get your blog.

    1. Hi Katy.

      It's so great to hear from you! I am so sorry to hear about Zuni. Makes my heart hurt for you. On the flipside, I am so glad that you and Rocky have found one another! How are you doing? I hope you too are recovering from grieving the loss of your mother.

      If you'd like to get my blog posts in email so you don't miss any, visit my blog and input your email address in the "Follow By Email" box toward the upper right of the blog's home page: www.themanicherbalist.blogspot.com. I would do it for you, but it won't allow me to. you should receive a request for email confirmation shortly after submitting your email address through the follow box.

      I look forward to keeping in touch with you through blog comments and replies.

